Sponsorship Donations

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We are very grateful to all the sponsors who help us to reach out to the many needy in the villages. You are a blessing to us and to our children. We want to make sure your donation will have the greatest impact in serving your sponsored individual. It will assist us greatly in reducing bookkeeping and record maintenance if you could send in your sponsorship donation annually or semi-annually. If this is not possible, we welcome your donations quarterly. In addition, please make a note of your payment schedule. Our costs are reduced if we do not have to make phone calls or send reminder letters/emails. If you are sponsoring more than one individual, please send all the donation in one check. When you send a check for the gift fund or a general donation for the activities of FCN, kindly add this amount to the sponsorship check. Please note “gift” or “general donation”. All the checks are processed and tax letters are sent from FCN office in Hyderabad.

Our mailing address is:

Foundation for Children in Need
7-2-1787 C-19/A,
Czech Colony Sanathnagar,
Hyderabad-500 018.

You will receive an acknowledgement for your donations as well as a receipt in a couple of weeks. If you do not receive one, kindly

Contact: Srinivas Adapa   at   srinivas.fcn@gmail.com